Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to address destructive or compulsive behaviors, unhealthy relationships, addictions (drugs, alcohol, food, pornography), anger, shame, codependency (addiction to people and control), past abuse and so much more. People can find freedom from any hurt, hang-up or habit that is making their life unmanageable.
DINNER at 5:30 PM
Free Childcare Available
There are 3 main components that make up the Celebrate Recovery program:
This is where everyone meets together to hear either a recovery centered Teaching or a personal Testimony of a changed life. We consider this a “shoulder to shoulder” experience. We open with a special time of worship before the teaching/testimony begins.
This is the time we break into separate gender and issue specific groups where each person is safe to share their struggles and victories with others who share their similar hurts, hang-ups and habits. We consider this a “face to face” experience.
It has been said that “you go to a meeting to feel better, but you work the steps to get better”. Step Studies are a safe place to work through the Jesus-centered 12 Steps in a gender specific group. They are a minimum eight month commitment and meet on different nights of the week. It's a place where the “why” behind addictions and behavior can finally be uncovered and freedom can be found. We consider this a “heart to heart” experience. We will announce in Large Group when the next Step Studies will be available for registration.
If you are struggling with life's hurts, habits and hang ups please join us on Friday night. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us today.
Visit the official Celebrate Recovery website to see more in-depth information about this ministry.